Best Area Rug Cleaning Austin Texas

Oriental rugs are known for their vibrant colors and unique designs. They look fantastic in our homes and are often family heirlooms, passed down from generation to generation! So it’s important that we protect our oriental rugs and learn to clean and care for them properly! You can keep your rugs looking great all the time by following these guidelines:


Check the Oriental Rug’s Care Label


The care label on your oriental rug is as important as ever. Oriental rugs are made of several different materials and this matters greatly when cleaning. For instance, silk rugs should be taken straight to the professionals, while cotton and wool rugs are more durable and can be vacuumed clean. Check your rug’s care label for special, important instructions!


Avoid Direct Sunlight


Keep your rug out of direct sunlight. Sunlight will cause the rug’s colors to fade over time. To let them “fade evenly,” rotate your rugs at least once a month!


Vacuum Regularly


Unless your rug is antique or silk, it should be vacuumed at least once a week. Vacuuming on the regular will help lift dirt and debris from the carpet fibers, and also prevent the fibers from becoming matted down!


Rearrange Your Furniture


To increase your rug’s longevity, try moving around your furniture once every six months. Heavy furniture that sits atop your rugs can cause damage over time- we certainly don’t want that!


Spot Clean Your Oriental Rug


Learn the best tips for spot treating your oriental rugs, and just like anything- clean up spills immediately after they happen!


Did you know that The Steam Team takes the best care of area and oriental rugs? It’s true! With over a decade of experience and expertise, we’re the absolute best choice for the job. So if your oriental rug is in need of a deep carpet cleaning Austin, don’t wait- just call The Steam Team!