Carpet Cleaning in Round Rock Texas

Carpet Cleaning in Round Rock, Texas

Carpet Cleaning in Round Rock, Texas

There are two types of people when it comes to cleaning. The first type either puts it off as long as possible, and then does a surface clean before people come over, or they make sure their home is always spotless. While most of us would like to be members of group number two, let’s face it – we’re just not.


So when company comes over we panic for a good five minutes before starting the hurried process of shoving papers in drawers, haphazardly running the vacuum, and spaying way too much air freshener. Instead of that hassle, here are a few tricks to avoid the panic and enjoy taking people into your home.

If You Have Time, Get The Pros


The first trick to impressing your guests and having a clean house is to actually have a clean house. Get your floors and upholstery deep cleaned twice a year and don’t forget your grout, tile, and stone! Keeping up with routine maintenance will make quick cleans a breeze.

Get Rid Of Clutter, But Be Organized


If you need to get rid of clutter and get rid of it fast, don’t just shove things in drawers and hope for the best. Take an extra 10 minutes to be smart about it. Put things in the rooms where they belong, keep like products together, and throw away anything you don’t need.

Don’t Waste Time On The Non-Essentials


If you’re in a rush, this isn’t the time to make sure all the dust is gone from the top of the fan or start a new, in-depth project. Make sure the floors are clean and free of toys, trash, and random items, wipe down the counters, and clean up the bathroom. This will help your place look sparkling even when you don’t have time for a full clean.


Finally, make sure to relax and enjoy your guests. They’re visiting to see you, not just your home. Clean up, stay up with your home maintenance, and remember to enjoy yourself– even if you didn’t get those carpet stains removed!