Austin Rug Cleaning Service -A Deep Clean for Every Carpet Fiber

Rug Cleaning Service

In a dream world, carpet upkeep would be as simple as running the vacuum over the floor once a week and calling it a day. While that gets rid surface dirt, hair, and debris, it isn’t enough to keep your carpet lasting year after year. While carpet looks good and feels great, it’s a feeding ground for bugs and bacteria. The best way to protect your floor from wear and tear and keep it looking good and staying in great shape is by having a routine deep cleaning. 

We’ll Walk You Through It

Every carpet is different and no two jobs are the same. Before we do anything to your floors we’ll evaluate the damage or cleaning needed, talk through everything with you, and test a small portion of it. With our years of experience and trained professionals, we’re able to get your floors looking fantastic, fast!

We’ll Tackle Tough Stains And Odors

We know that sometimes, routine maintenance isn’t always at the top of your to-do list. Stains happen, odors develop, and sometimes carpet damage creeps up on you. No matter the job we’re here to do our best to get your floors looking good. Whether you have pets or kids, a busy lifestyle or just a lack of love for housework, we’ve got the skills to make your carpet look better than ever. 

We Can Help

What it all comes down to is that we’re here for whatever you need. Whether it’s a simple cleaning, damage repair, or pet odors and stains, we know that your floor is important. We’re skilled at working with all types of carpets, all types of materials, and all types of situations.

It’s time to take back your time and get your floors looking beautiful again. No matter the situation, no matter the carpet, where here to help. Call The Steam Team today!

How to Keep Carpet Looking its Best


Imagine you’re a new homeowner with a house full of carpet, and not a clue how to take care of it. How do you keep it looking its best? Well, fortunately, The Steam Team can help with this! We’re a team of trained professionals who specialize in keeping carpet looking clean and pristine! So go ahead; give us a call this spring and we’ll come out and restore your carpet to its original condition! But in the meantime, here are 3 ways to help your carpet look its best.


Vacuum Frequently


It can’t be avoided or put off, friends! Your carpet needs to be vacuumed at least twice weekly. Not only does this help to extract dirt and debris from the fibers of your carpet (which actually work to break down your carpet fibers) but it also keeps the carpet from becoming matted down. It keeps it looking like new!


Utilize Area Rugs


To cut down on foot traffic on your carpet, or even to conceal an unsightly stain, you can utilize area rugs! Area rugs make great decorative additions to our home, but they also help to protect our carpet. Too much foot traffic and it wears down quicker! So have a great time shopping for your new living room area rug!


Rely on the Professionals


Lastly, it’s always wise to call in a professional steam cleaning company from time to time. We can extract debris from your carpet that you vacuum cleaner doesn’t even touch. We can also get rid of tough carpet stains, whether they’re on your carpet or on your area rugs. We can restore your flooring to its original condition!

If your carpet is in need of a professional cleaning this season, don’t hesitate to give The Steam Team a call! Our team will be out on site in no time, and we won’t leave until your carpet is sparkling clean! For great water damage service in Bonita Spring Florida click here.