Keeping Your Grout Stain-Free

The Tile And Grout Cleaning Professional Austin, Texas

The Tile And Grout Cleaning Professional Austin, Texas

Grout is notorious for taking the sparkle out of the newly-installed tile in our homes. Because grout is porous in nature, it easily absorbs substances such as oil, grease, dirt- you name it! This is ultimately what causes our grout to stain. Fortunately, there are still ways to restore grout to its previous, more pristine condition. With a touch of determination, and a bit of elbow grease, we can help you stay on top of grout stains and keep your floors looking fabulous!




Grout isn't all too difficult to clean- simply grab your best, most durable scrub brush (or discarded toothbrush), and a bottle of your favorite cleaning solution. If you don't have a cleaning solution that is safe to use on grout, you can create your own by mixing together baking soda, ammonia, and vinegar! Let this solution settle onto your grout for 2-4 minutes before scrubbing.


This is when your elbow grease becomes a hot commodity! You'll need to scrub intensely enough to lift the dirt and grime from deep within the porous grout. Scrub with all your might!


While scrubbing, you may need to stop to wipe up the dirty, soapy solution over your grout, and begin again. Remember, slow and steady wins the race! Taking your time will pay off in the end.




The best way to protect your grout from staining is to use a grout sealant. Sealant provides an extra protective layer over your grout that helps to prevent the grout from absorbing liquids- thus keeping your floor from staining as easily.


Of course, to achieve top-notch, professional results, you'll need to call in your local steam cleaning company! Steam cleaning is a fast, effective method of cleaning and removing stains. Your grout will become completely hassle-free when you call in the professionals!