Is There a Better Alternative To Mopping?

Professional Cleaning in Austin

Mopping is one of the most common methods people use to clean their floors every day. But is mopping always the most effective way of cleaning floors? There are some parts of your floor that might just seem to stay dirty or stained no matter how much you mop, and mopping also requires quite a bit of manual labor. You might have to keep refilling a bucket with clean water and soap, otherwise you’ll just end up spreading the dirt around. There’s got to be a better way.

A Better, Cleaner Alternative

When it comes to cleaning floors, nothing works quite like a steam cleaner. They’re getting more and more popular in recent years, and it's easy to see why. One reason is that steam cleaning is a cleaner alternative. Whereas mopping usually involves mixing some kind of chemical cleaner with the water, steam cleaning is just water and heat, but achieves an even better clean! This also means that steam cleaners can be used on a wide variety of surfaces, even things like upholstery and curtains. They’re also great for getting rid of fat and grease, cleaning tiled floors and walls, and even cleaning the inside of your car!

Combating Mold

Another clear benefit of carpet cleaning in austin over mopping is how effective each method is against mold. Many people use bleach with a mop to get rid of mold, but in fact, bleach only turns the mold white so that it blends in with the surface. The high temperature of steam cleaning kills the mold while the bristles help remove it from those hard to reach places.

Safe For Your Home

Steam cleaners only use heat and water to get the job done, so your home or place of business will remain free from the chemical residue or pollution that some cleaners may leave behind. This will make the environment much safer for you and those around you.

Fighting Off Allergies

Since these machines use all natural steam for cleaning, they’re much safer for people with allergies and asthma. Cleaning with a steam cleaner won’t aggravate any allergies or cause respiratory issues.

Professional Steam Cleaning

With all this in mind, it's clear that steam cleaning is much better than mopping when it comes to cleaning your floors safely and effectively. However, steam cleaners are expensive, and you may not want to go through the work of buying one and doing the cleaning yourself. But don’t worry, that’s why The Steam Team is here. Our professional technicians will use top-of-the-line steam cleaners and other methods to rejuvenate your home. For more information on the services we offer, visit The Steam Team website.

Pro advice on Cleaning Furniture and Textiles

Rug Cleaning Facility in Austin

You might hear people tell you that you shouldn’t get expensive furniture because it requires too much maintenance, but it doesn’t have to be hard to manage. In fact, if you know how to care for expensive furniture, it's rather easy.. Luckily for you, The Steam Team knows all about cleaning and protecting, and we’ve compiled this short guide to help you take great care of your furniture.

Managing Spills

The first thing you should be concerned with is avoiding spills, or if you do spill something on your expensive furniture, wipe it off quickly. When wiping a spill on furniture, use a soft, dry cloth and allow the area to air dry. If you aren’t able to find a cloth quick enough for whatever the reason may be, simply spread the spill towards the edge of the furniture and brush it off. Though this may sound like you’re just spreading the stain around, you’ll actually eliminate the outline of the watermark, which is the most obvious sign of a stain.

Why Protecting Furniture Matters

If your furniture is real cotton or wool, then it is necessary to protect with a quality sealant. Protecting the furniture can reduce staining, the burden of protection of the furniture falls on you, and you’ll have to do it regularly to keep the cotton and wool in good condition. It should be about every 6 to 12 months. For specifics, contact the manufacturer of your specific piece of furniture.

Steam Team Cleaning Experts

We understand that you’re probably a very busy person, and not everyone has the time on their hands to clean and protect their furniture on their own. That’s why we offer professional cleaning and protection services! For more information, please visit The Steam Team website.