3 Tips to Keep Your Home Clean with Pets

One of the leading questions we hear is how to keep your furniture (and home, in general) clean with pets. We don’t mean, just looking clean- we mean, actually clean. Whether you have a puppy, an elderly dog, or anything in between, our friends like Fido can be unpredictable at times. It doesn’t make us love them any less, but we’re never really thrilled about any of their… smells… are we? Here at The Steam Team, we know exactly what to do about pet odors.

Don’t Skip Vacuuming

The first rule of thumb when it comes to taking care of pet odors is to never skip out on vacuuming! In a normal home without pets, carpet should be vacuumed at least weekly. If you have pets in your home, you’ll have to vacuum more often. There’s no way around it! But you’ll be so grateful that you did it, in the long run. 

Use Enzymatic Cleaners

The next thing you’ll want to do to take care of pet odors in your home is to make sure you’re using the correct cleaners. Otherwise, all of your effort is going to waste, right? For pet urine, it’s important that you use an enzymatic cleaner. It’s the only thing that will work on the scent, friends! 

Call in the Professionals

Lastly, if the odors are just too much and you can’t get a handle on them- that’s okay. Just give the professionals a call! The Steam Team, located in Austin, TX and equipped with all of the knowledge, experience, and expertise that you need- is always here to help you! 

No matter what the issue is… if it’s pet odors, filthy tile and grout, hardwood flooring that needs refinishing… the list goes on and on. Whatever your issue is, The Steam Team can take care of it! All you have to do is make a quick phone call! So don’t hesitate.