How The Steam Team of Austin, Texas Handles Tile and Grout Cleaning

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One of the most popular flooring options in the modern home is ceramic tile and grout, and for good reason. But unfortunately, many people neglect to properly clean their tile floors. Let’s talk about where many people go wrong, and how The Steam Team can help.

The Brush Method

The most common method for tile and grout cleaning is by vigorously scrubbing each tile and in between every grout line with a small brush. This method is extremely tedious and not as effective as you might think it is. Many people also use harsh chemicals that may cause irritation to themselves or children and pets. With help from The Steam Team, you won’t need these methods anymore. Our professional technicians provide a tile and grout cleaning service that uses the latest technology to completely restore your floor and eliminate any harmful bacteria without the use of harsh chemicals.

The Steam Team Technicians

When our technicians arrive, they’ll begin the cleaning process by inspecting the troubled or dirtiest areas of the tile and figure out how to best treat them, then they’ll separate the tile from other materials and remove any furniture from the tile. Then the floor will be thoroughly swept and vacuumed to remove all dry soil so that an advanced tile cleaner solution can be sprayed across the floor. Hand brushes, mechanical rotating brushes, and a self-contained pressure cleaning system will be used to clean the floor with the solution.

A final coat of finish will be applied to the tile at the end of the cleaning process to help protect the floor from further damage or dirt. Then our technicians will do a final walkthrough to make sure that you’re satisfied with our service. For more information on tile and grout cleaning from our team, visit The Steam Team website. We also clean carpets so for carpet cleaning near me visit our website.

Upholstery Cleaning: DIY Or Hire Professionals?

Furniture Cleaning Bonita Springs

Call 239-450-1936 -Your leather upholster is something used by you, your family and guests frequently, so of course you want it to be properly cleaned. You might think you can just buy a quick cleaning product off the shelf of your local grocery story, and wipe down your leather upholstery no problem. But it isn’t always that simple. The right leather cleaning method depends on what kind of leather you have, and if you don’t know what kind of leather you’re working with you won’t even know where to start. To save you the time and the effort, it can help to hire professionals to clean your leather upholstery for you.

Professional Technicians

Here at TST Cleaning & Restoration, our technicians are highly knowledgeable about leather upholstery and the proper cleaning methods needed. When you call them in for the job, they’ll start by recommending only the most appropriate cleaning method for your specific type of upholstery. Then, to be absolutely sure that we’re providing the best service we can to meet your needs, our technicians will test the cleaning method on a small area of the upholstery for you to see and make sure you approve. If the upholstery is easy to clean, our prices will be lower to match. If you have a more expensive type of leather, it may require a slightly higher cost to clean

Professional Leather Cleaning

Leather cleaning is no problem for our professionals. They’ll carefully and properly clean the leather, removing all dirt and grime, and replenish the natural oils that help keep the leather in good condition. That shine you might be missing in your leather will come back again, as if it was brand new.

Extra Protection For Leather

To help keep your leather clean for longer, our technicians can apply a special protective sealant on your upholstery. This is a recommended part of our total cleaning program and will save you money in the long run. Over time, spills, pets and children will wear down your upholstery and soon you’ll have to have it cleaned again or even replaced, but not if we apply a fabric protectant. The protectant will easily resist anything that might dull your upholstery over time. For more information on upholstery cleaning and our other services, visit TST Cleaning & Restoration website.

Call (239) 450-1936-- Carpet Cleaning- What Do Customers Say About Their TST Experience in Bonita Springs, Florida?

Carpet Cleaning Bonita Springs Florida

If you’re dealing with needing rug cleaning, furniture cleaning, a stained carpet or many other issues in your home or business and you’re thinking about hiring TST Cleaning and Restoration in Bonita Springs, Fl, you might be wondering what previous TST customers have to say. As a general rule, when you’re thinking about paying for the services of any company, it's always a good idea to look at customer reviews. So what do TST customers say about the service they’ve received?

Customer Carpet Cleaning Reviews

TST has been around a long time now, and we’ve been fortunate enough to receive lots of customer feedback! Let’s check out some of our reviews to give you a good idea of what we can do for you. One customer said, “TST cleaned my carpet today and brought a 15+ year old carpet back to great condition. I highly recommend this company!”. Another recent review said “I had my first experience with the TST Cleaning and Restoration yesterday and couldn't have been more pleased! I had several large, old stains that I was sure would never come up - but I was proven wrong. Overall, it was a great experience”. 

Now it's true that we’re not the only company that offers these sorts of cleaning and restoration services, you can certainly find others. But we’ve seen that our customers have noticed a difference. For example, one customer had this to say; “I used TST for area rug cleaning, and I’ll never again look elsewhere! The last time I had this work done, the company that came out used only a portable to clean the rugs, and I had to call them back twice because they did a terrible job. This time, I called TST, and they came out with all the necessary equipment, and did a terrific job.”

TST Cleaning and Restoration Technicians

So how does TST consistently get such positive customer feedback? Well, as that last review said, we ensure all of our technicians have the necessary equipment for the job, as well as the right training. But beyond that, our technicians want to get the job done right the first time, and to make sure you have a great experience all around. To see all the services our highly trained friendly technicians offer, please visit the TST website. For the best carpet cleaning Bonita Springs, Florida give us a call.