5 Tips for Cleaning Out Your Office

Is your office looking a little dusty? Over time, we neglect certain areas of our offices and they become pretty dirty! So let’s take a quick glance at five ways you can help your office look cleaner and more inviting this summer! Maybe you need some professional rug cleaning to make your commercial building look fresh.

Declutter Desks

Don’t you hate it when your desk is too cluttered? Working in a cluttered environment is never fun, and can even cause you to be less productive! So first, get to cleaning out your desk. Later on, The Steam Team can actually steam clean its entire surface so that it looks like new!

Clean Up Carpeting

Your carpeting could probably use your attention. Carpet is a magnet for dust mites, allergens, and other unwanted substances! Vacuuming may not be enough, but we certainly suggest it. We also suggest having your carpet steam cleaned from time to time to make sure it’s properly taken care of! 

Wipe Down Surfaces

Wipe down all end tables and desks in your office. It’ll do wonders for your office’s overall appearance! Not to mention, cleaning the surfaces in your office will eliminate all of those pesky germs and bacteria! 

Clean Beneath Furniture

Check beneath furniture for misplaced items, and better yet- move it away from its spot so you can thoroughly clean beneath it! Who knows when the last time anyone cleaned beneath that couch?

Dust Window Blinds

Window blinds are often neglected when it comes to cleaning. The Steam Team can clean your window blinds without even removing them from where they hang. It’s a super simple process that saves you a ton of work! 

And as always, we must remind you that The Steam Team has your back! If you need help cleaning out your office this summer, don’t hesitate to give The Steam Team a call! We can help with everything listed above, and then some! So don’t wait. Give us a call today.