Spot Treating Advice from The Experts

Are you having trouble removing that tough stain? Are you tired of hiding it beneath the rug, or the ottoman? Worry no more. Trust in the professionals, like The Steam Team! The Steam Team is a team of trained professionals who are experts at removing stains, and keep carpet clean, clean, clean. Here are a few spot treating tips that we have to offer; hopefully they help!


Always Test Your Cleaning Solution


Before you begin to remove the stain, it’s wise to test your cleaning solution, first! Just in case. Isn’t it always better to be safe, rather than sorry? Use the cleaning agent in an inconspicuous area first, to make sure that no discoloration occurs.


Blot, Don’t Rub


Whenever you’re treating a stain, always blot the stain instead of rubbing it. Rubbing the stain may cause it to spread, or more deeply embed itself into your precious carpet! You certainly don’t want that to happen. So blot gently over and over, until the entire stain has been removed.


Call in the Professionals


If the stain is just too tough, it’s always best to call in a professional cleaning and restoration company, like The Steam Team. The Steam Team specializes in keep carpets as clean as possible, and restoring homes to their original condition. We can come out, inspect your stained carpeting, and begin to remove it right away. A professional-grade steam cleaner uses nothing but hot water and high water pressure to remove stains from deep within the fibers of carpet! It’s a simple, effortless process.


Don’t hesitate to give The Steam Team a call today, especially if you’re battling a tough stain! We have everything we need for the job, including over a decade of experience, expertise, and the professional-grade equipment needed for a thorough cleaning. So give us a call, and you won’t regret it!