How to Freshen Up Your Mattress

Let’s think about it. We sleep for approximately a third of our lifetime, and that’s likely on a mattress. While it’s likely not the same mattress we sleep on, our mattresses are still the last things we think of on cleaning day! But the truth is that our mattresses are notorious for hoarding allergens and dust mites! When was your mattress last cleaned? Today we’re going to review how to freshen up your mattress so that you can sleep deeper- and cleaner!


Wash Bedding


Let’s start with the easiest part: washing all of the bedding. Remove all of your comforters, blankets, sheets, pillowcases, and that mattress cover. Line it up to be washed! Your washer will properly sanitize your bedding while you’re freshening up your mattress!


Mix a Solution for Your Mattress


Next, we’re going to mix a simple solution for your mattress. The first step is to find a mason jar, and fill it to the brim with baking soda. Next, we need essential oils. You can choose a relaxing, soothing oil like Lavender, or a more refreshing oil like Lemon or Eucalyptus. It’s your personal choice here! Add a few drops of these oils to your baking soda. Sift the solution over your mattress thoroughly, and enjoy the aroma! Let it sit for about an hour.


Vacuum Your Mattress


The oils and baking soda should have drawn out oils and moisture from your mattress, and it’s time to finish up! The final step is to vacuum over your mattress. Vacuum over any excess dirt, and of course, our baking soda mixture. You can use the upholstery attachment on your vacuum to ensure that you reach every particle!

Don’t hesitate to give The Steam Team a call for help with any cleaning and restoration project! We’re available 24/7 and love helping you out! So today, freshen up your mattress- before you forget again. And down the road, rely on us for cleaning project you may have!