Who Has The Best Rug Cleaning Service in Austin?

Austin Rug cleaning

Anyone who owns a rug knows that they need to be cleaned regularly to keep yourself and your Austin home in top condition. But did you know that if you’re only vacuuming your rugs, it’s not going to get the clean it needs? Experts would tell you that to keep the air quality in your home fresh, an occasional professional cleaning should be done on your rugs. But what company is the right choice for this service?

The Steam Team Rug Cleaning Technicians

There are many services available for having your rugs professionally cleaned, but not all of them can do what The Steam Team can do. Our Austin trained technicians will come equipped with the right knowledge and the best tools for the job. Our hot water extraction technology can easily clean deep into any carpet and remove all dirt and debris that a regular vacuum can’t reach. Any stains that were in the carpet will be wiped out with our high-powered cleaning methods as well. We also use powerful truck-mounted equipment to clean any rug or carpet.

Restoration Cleaning and High-Powered Drying

Another thing that sets The Steam Team of Austin apart is our restoration rug cleaning service. That means even in circumstances of extreme damage and soiled rugs, such as flooding, we can still clean your rugs A powerful machine will be used to loosen all dirt before our hot water extraction method is used.

Our high-powered drying is yet another reason to choose us for your Austin rug cleaning needs. This means you won’t have to wait long periods of time for the carpet to dry, just ask our technicians for the high-powered drying process and they’ll use powerful fans to expedite the drying.

For more information on our Austin rug cleaning service, as well as the many other services we offer, please visit The Steam Team of Austin website.

The Scoop on Pet Stains and Area Rugs Austin Texas

Area Rug Cleaning Company Based In Austin Texas

Area Rug Cleaning Company Based In Austin Texas

We adore our pets, just not the stinky, smelly things they leave behind. If you have area rugs, you know even more of the challenges of keeping a clean floor with little paws running around, but unfortunately all floor types are affected at times. From urine, to vomit,, to left behind odors of these unsightly occurrences, we’ve got the scoop on how to cover it all. And not cover it up- but extract those stains for good! Austin Texas area rug cleaning services. 


Removing Pet Stains from area rugs


Accidents will happen no matter how hard you try to prevent them, and they can be very unpredictable! When dealing with pets, you’re usually dealing with either urine, or vomit stains. For urine, in order to prevent odors from settling into your rug fibers, try to catch the accident as soon as it happens. Absorb the moisture with a stack of paper towels, or an old bath towel. Stand on the stack so that it soaks up as much as possible. Then, curate a cleaning mixture with 2 cups of white vinegar, 2 cups of warm water, and 4 tablespoons of baking soda.


Vomit is acidic, and that’s why it stains carpet so easily. When cleaning vomit, find something to scrape the hardened pieces away, first. Then absorb what’s left with an old towel or paper towel. Need a DIY cleaning solution for this part? Try using two cups of warm water, one tablespoon of salt, one tablespoon of Dawn detergent, and ½ Cup of vinegar for sanitization! Once you’ve removed the stain, remove your solution with a clean, damp towel. And remember- always blot the stain, instead of rubbing.


We hope these tips have helped you spruce up your home and get it back to the way it was pre-Fido! Knowing how to remove these stains and odors is a handy skill to have! Area rug cleaning company based in Austin Texas located at 9901 Burnet Rd. Call 512-451-8326 today.